Online courses available for all ages
Onlinestunden verfügbar für jedes Alter
Gruppen-, Einzel- und Firmenunterricht
Wenn Sie Englisch sprechen, verstehen Sie nur Bahnhof?
Oder möchten Sie Ihr Englisch verbessern für die Arbeit, das Reisen oder nur aus Spaß?
Onlinestunden verfügbar für jedes Alter
Schreiben Sie mir eine Nachricht, und ich kann Ihnen helfen!
Unterricht für €25 pro Stunde!
I am available to teach private English lessons of all types to all ages.
Please click here to see my rates for private teaching.
I am 33-year-old Trinity CertTESOL-qualified freelance English teacher seeking additional work in Berlin. I have a wide range of experience, and will be well-suited to a variety of work. My mother tongue is English and I am also studying German, having completed a one-year university course in it; I am currently at upper-intermediate level. Alongside a German module, I studied a module in the arts and cultural encounters. I have deferred my studies for one year while I improve my German enough to start at a university here.
Please click here to see my full cover note
I have completed a year the Open University, studying modules in German language, the arts and cultural encounters. I am currently focussing on my German so that I can continue my studies at a university in Berlin. I also have a Trinity CertTESOL for teaching English and studied for a year at the London School of Economics before deciding on a change of career path.
Please click here to see my qualifications.
I am currently working for The English School in Glienicke, Nativa Akademie in Moabit and am teaching privately, as well as seeking additional employment in or around Berlin. Previously, I have taught English online to Children between four- and thirteen-years-old with Landi English and before moving to Berlin I worked for the Liverpool School of English who employed me from when I finished my training with them until I left Britain. I have also taught at their month-long summer schools in 2018 and 2019. Before teaching English, I was a computer and administrative assistant at a Merseyside secondary school for two years, and then I was self-employed in graphic design and in owning and managing a musical instrument shop for seven years.
Please click here to see my work history.
Interests, Projects and Photos
Naturally, I have interests and projects outside of my work life, too! I enjoy learning the German language, studying the grammar and linguistics of my mother tongue, English, listening to and performing music (I play the accordion), and reading and writing for fun.
Please click here to read more about my interests and projects and to see some photos.